
more older people get, more brain damage they have.

A lovely Saturday in Ljubljana. to make an entry here, sometimes it takes few hours during day time to think about the topic or the interesting facts, happenings and how to put it up here, that its i was pretty sure what i am going to write about, now i am not anymore. idea appeared and went away. unfortunately forgot to take my small notebook with me to put it down.

As some of you already noticed in the "powerful" network Facebook, I went for InterNations gathering here in Ljubljana tonight. even-though i spent there not more than couple of hours, it was inspiring, motivating, brought me new knowledge and many new networks. We were in amazingly nice bar, that's part is located on river...really nice service and atmosphere. If you have a chance try it out - Makalonca is the name.

I got to know Marie from USA, who runs her own real estate service...and funny or not, but currently i am actually facing so many silly problems with my apartment, that who knows, it may turn out to be a useful contacts. Besides that she introduced me with International Club of Slovenia, which is way much wider than InterNations here and different types of activities are going on. but about it i will be able to tell later, when i will try it out. 

Besides that, a very nice slovene man, I admit, I still have problem with remembering names, is soon launching his own edition of postcard collections about Slovenia. And I got invited to join that again brings together many international minds. Besides that it was really great conversation, and after a while discussing marketing...sentence "More older people get, more brain damage they have." came out...i am still thinking about the truth or not, or how should i take it. 

And yes,  i got to know more other USA girls, that lives in Ljubljana already for several years and adores it so much. i got to know Luis from Morocco, girl from Montenegro and of course Ana - InterNations Ljubljana Ambassador...all in all, im still amazed how useful and great these couple of hours were.

Promise to share some pictures, as far the camera man shares them. Hasta la vista!

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