
My Bosnian experience, part 1

Been almost a week since i`ve been experiencing the life of Bosnia&Herzegovina. Yes, yes, no Ljubljana this time.

It all stared with my adventorous spirit, me enrolling in a youth training course that was planned to take place in city Kljuc. And with my small mistake of dates, the event happen just after Challenge:Future summit. So with just a day in between, last week i again packed my bag and took the lovely bus journey from Ljubljana to Kljuc...its qind of easy to travel between these two cities, as there is "direct" bus connection, with just a 7 hours of ride of distance 350km you can yourself in Kljuc, so the same happen with me.

Arrived just before midnight and as it was supposed to somebody meet me in bus station, then of course blonde me did nothing to write down neither any phone number, neither the address of the place where i am supposed to stay... as you may guess, then nobody was waiting for me in the bus station...even when i waited couple of more minutes, and then some more...nobody showed up...i was left alone, in a completely new city in the had to figure out something...


time travel.

if you do not see me online much or it feels im not doing my daily blog, then you can be sure, that its partially not like that as its because i have traveled in time and currently are located in Bosnia and Herzegovina and even though its very modern country, the part called Kljuc is still without proper wifi cover and my native mobile networks have just refused to work.

I am all ok and life here is great, however the blogposts will come more as soon as i get back into European time again.


day two and day three

would like to share a lot with you all guys an girls. how ever the two of these days have just somewhere disappeared in speeches, communication, lectures, presentations and the list do not stop. Indeed, Challenge:Future Summit is completely ON.

will try to get back as soon as i stop being busy...not sure when that will be possible...any case, you can keep up following the activities here.


live stream from Bled, day 1

ready or not, the event i`ve been helping to organize these last 6 months has arrived. Challenge:Future Summit is almost officially here. And yes, this upcoming week i won`t be able to share about my life in Ljubljana as Bled, city with amazing lake is my host from now on. How is it and how`s the event going? Well, ill try to make some day posts, for you to have a sneak peak. 
Check, see the Castle?
Till now, well it all started long time ago, but more seriously with approximately 2 hour sleep the night before yesterday and luckily with early to go to bed time yesterday (going to sleep just before midnight, super early). 

First of participants are already here. And even with all organized arrivals the surprises happen and people appear in Bled before expected...most fun, im still trying to figure out how and who was the nice guy to pick up our participant in the wrong time :) Other than that today`s been fun and busy. 


slovenia,living like a local.

David, me and Jan.
being abroad, i have forgotten the times of being usual local citizen. however yesterday, with a chance and motivation i ended up checking out the locals` life here in Slovenia... i went for a CD opening party of a Slovene rock band "World within", a band with seven year experience and as i noticed with many of great fans.

was nice evening and brought back some memories of the old times of being fan of new bands with big dreams and motivation to change a world via music.

Thank you guys. Wish you fun tour abroad and who knows where I will meet again "World within"


Šmarna gora - check.

 the best places are found when you least search for them, and so it happen this weekend. till now hearing the word combination "Šmarna gora" left me with no connecting memories or relevant, known stuff. however it turns out that i have been there already before, and this is one of the most popular places of weekend trips for slovene families. a joke or i know why ljubljana is empty during weekends...couse you meet many of them in Smarna gora. saturday morning at early 10 am you start your walk up to hill, however there are many of Slovenes already on the way down...crazy to think on what time they have gone there...


women`s day, just like a child.

by a nice coincidence instead of usual working day we had a work out of usual office and got the chance to visit our upcoming week new home - Bled. Nothing can be nicer that sunshiny day, great meetings, awesome place to visit, perfect lunch and drive back to LJ with around two hundred km per hour on a highway :) Just like a child.
and yes, somehow men in Slovenia seem to remember women or at least brings some instead of usually used flower day it turn out to be chocolate day :)


fun confession...

after six months and few days of my Ljubljana life, yesterday it finally happen... i don`t really know why i did not thought of this earlier... maybe the time meets the great moment, as i usually tend to think...anyhow i had almost forgotten how cool it is and how much fun it can bring to case you are lost of what i am talking about...well. yesterday was my first time of visiting cinema in Ljubljana. Yes! an eve in cinema. if choosing yourself to give a try for a movie, then no worries, as all the commercial US movies are in english, and no worries of ending up watching it in language you have no clue about. strange thing for me was the timing, as going for thuesday eve, you better go early or stay out, working hours schedules of services in Ljubljana keep me amazed and surprised still. Other than that, now my fun confession is out. Happy blonde officially been checking out the cinemas around here. S.


what a monday.

after a bit of crazy weekend what can be nicer than arriving this morning at work and there sweets and tea waiting for you... how nice is to have birthdays, especially in the days when its not yours :)

other than that the week has started great i would say. now looking forward for new adventures to come.


when you least expect...

the ones of you, who had the chance to meet me during my stay in Slovenia, also knows that till now i have not found myself really attached to life in Ljubljana.

and till now, i was sure i am also not really attached to the life here, as the purpose and coincidence why i ended up living in Slovenia was my work, which i so much enjoy. other than that the city and the country seemed not really for me, as i am a person who likes crowds around, is the thing i get my energy boost mostly. and Ljubljana is a small tiny little city, with its own amazing charm, but not for me.

however now after giving a chance to Ljubljana, and thanks also to the recent fun happenings, im kind of sad of starting to plan the trip home, which is in less than a month now.

could not imagine i would ever be...