
Šmarna gora - check.

 the best places are found when you least search for them, and so it happen this weekend. till now hearing the word combination "Šmarna gora" left me with no connecting memories or relevant, known stuff. however it turns out that i have been there already before, and this is one of the most popular places of weekend trips for slovene families. a joke or i know why ljubljana is empty during weekends...couse you meet many of them in Smarna gora. saturday morning at early 10 am you start your walk up to hill, however there are many of Slovenes already on the way down...crazy to think on what time they have gone there...

other than this, yes Šmarna gora is a hill around 600 and something meters high very near center of Ljubljana, with a great church up there and with a great deserts up there to taste.

as i told, then we started our trip upwards around 10.30 am, with our luck and motivation we found ourselves going up the steepest side of hill... we could not show off, that we cannot do it, of course we can, and as i am writing, then we also made it to go up :) IT WAS GREAT, having a short sunbath and just relaxing, nothing can be better on saturday morning after a friday night out than fidning myself in  Šmarna Gora.


Eiluned Beltane said...

We feel Slovenia! :-)

S. said...

Yeah, we do and its GREAT.