
i know where i want, but how to find it...

I would like to live somewhere in this red circle area. Do you know someone who rents something?

In a city where lives approx. 300 000 people, to find your own place...well that is the question I am at the moment solving.
I still can be lucky that people here does speak English...and I can have some conversations on phone, finding out more about my possible future accommodation. It is surprisingly weird, but people here think in long term and to find an apartment for only 6 months...well, not that many people...
want you here just for that short time. OTHER the city is so big as it is, then many people like to live two in the same room, so they pay less. if I want to have my own room...well thats again one more challenge. as i am optimist, then i still believe it is doable and possible, because luckily i am not the only one in this situation.
What is MY STATISTICS so far?
No1 found one awesome advertisement with great location, price and even pictures were great...made a call... unfortunately it was already taken, just an hour before my call.
No2 guy in Facebook offered me some room to rent...looked more or less nice location...price sounded good enough, went to see it...a room for two persons...well...I do want to have some privacy.
No3 thanks of being social, i have two other people who i more or less know and who are in the same situation...i hope looking for whole apartment should be also possible. Will see!

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