
fog, spiders and more.

Somewhere in the front and up in the fog,
there should be a Ljubljana castle. Can you see it?
this morning wake up and i see almost nothing. because outside is a huuuuuuge fog. so huge one i have seen only a long time ago in Belgrade, when you do not see more further than 20 meters. Luckily with a day starting it went up and no sigh of it now.
Besides that now my bathroom have been occupied by a huuuuge spider, ugly and furry. I really DO NOT LIKE SPIDERS! Big time! I still have to figure out from where did it come from, as our place I considered as spider free...well, but seems I am wrong. maybe it is just this huge spider revenge for this morning, when i had to get rid of couple of small spiders overtaking my bike. Anyways. Jahhhhh!
Besides everything else, today one more long day at work. Half of it spent in meetings. Which were interesting, successful and i enjoyed them.

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