
people do not read

working in communications is awesome, however it is hard work, to make people READ and afterwards also hear what was said. i cannot tell you in percents, but we people are LAZY persons.
we take serious and pay attention to those things we really want. so that leads to the second hand things pass by or you pay half attention and then ask silly questions, then complain you don`t get an answers..however if you would just spent one extra minute on completing the article, the answers would come.

Now it is getting too long and i believe that only very few of you read this. however if you read this particular sentence, will be happy to see your comment :)


Gabriel said...


Anonymous said...

it`s why i don`t like blogger.com - you feel like you write to the emptiness :(

Anonymous said...

and it`s impossible to comment anonymously!!!

but we hear you, really ;)

S. said...

Nice to see both of you here leaving comments. Thanks.

And @tigrarim...well, i still like blogger, in-spite of quite many things missing of it and would like to have them differently.

about comments, commenting anonymously is easy, but whenever you comment with your name, you somehow think on it. Isn`t it like that?

Unknown said...

I read it too :)