
stand out of the crowd.

the far away, that`s the Sintra castle view of my balcony.
 if you ever traveled around Baltic countries, then you may know of how white and blonde and blue eyes many people are. its all nature and its all there, we Nordics are so used to it then nobody really pays any attention. When the Afro-Americans shows up around Baltic, its not that rare anymore, however comparing  of the total amount seen its still kind of different, therefore you can see not only little children pointing but also other to talk or pay more attention than usually...however with nowadays life and the tremendous migration and international environment it all should be with much less attentions...

and coming from Baltic and living in south it all works opposite way, as it turns out that the blue/green eyes and the blonde hair (even if you in your country are not really a blonde, just lightener hair than brown) are not common after all and like we used to stare for the different ones, so now i am catching all attentions, as not that many of blondes are living in the outskirts of Lisboa.

Piece of Merces, the outskirts of Lisboa,
that its my home for now on.
Yes, this experience i already had the last year of my Barcelona adventures, however could not imagine that its possible in even more stronger level, with way much more people noticing the blondness.

Do I much like it? well, I got the hard skin and managed to just pay no attention to all this, however still wanted to share of the topic, as i am sure im not the only one facing this, even though we live in globalized world.

and out of everything else, its indeed funny of me daily crossing the roads, and cars tending to stop before me even i am not yet close to walkways or so called zebras. And just to let you know, the drivers usually do not stop at all, or tend to beep when nonblonds crossings streets around this part of europe.

As portuguese says - Até já! - See you soon,

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