
my legendary 12.11.12 day.

weeks pass and nothing change, then now at one day so many things happen, i was missing this for a very very long time. thank you my legendary 12.11.12 day.
after a three months and some days of my portuguese life, with no official tax payer registration number, neither bank account, finally came a day to change this. Nor that we really need this, but more than its useful. And the registration number is needed both, for our new portuguese classes, the same time to open an account or if you want to do any other process that involves the public institutions.
so yeah, in the morning we gave a visit to Finanças office,
a big was our surprise that in our small little neighborhood already by the morning there is a big line of waiting, as its meant for all the issues with tax and business...luckily we were not in a long line waiting  for our line, as luckily not so many people do it so early at the morning. However, the time of waiting was the time, i used to go from Finanças to photo printing office, to order my pictures and come back... so yeah, took awhile. When finally reaching the counter, a nice guy with no english skills,kindly directed to a very nice lady, with no english skills too. Luckily our portuguese studies made it useful and we could understand each the process went well. Not to say, that again, i had to defend the Latvian name, as first she could not find the country Latvia in her computer list...luckily my passport languages made it useful and Republica de Letónia helped her a lot...well, to not complicate my nationality, or maybe because she was not sure of it, now instead of "lithuana" as in the previous document of the city parish, i am just "other" nationality. So yeah, with all small misunderstandings, im proud to tell, i am now the holder of the NIF code.
Being happy NIF code owner, now it was time to go for the bank account opening, and with pre-research, we decided to give a try to the Activo Bank which offers most of the service free of charge and has some benefits for the students, or in our case with the advice of the nice girl at the bank, we are student volunteers now. And I also have to admit that their promotion of having the account and also the bank card just in half an hour, its true. Never ever till now got my new card so fast, and it came with paying nothing. Will see how this bank serves and my future being client stages develops. As till now had a really great service, helpful and so positive staff answering all our silly questions. happy visit it was and now i do have not only NIF but also NIB.
As we had arranged already before the all above other things, that today we go for the São Jorge cinema to see one of the documentaries within the "Rotas&Rituais" festival. As it may sometimes happen with blondes, then it turned out that I have booked the tickets for tomorrow, instead of today... so instead of going to watch our movie, we decided to stay also today and watch the other one, which was airing today. So out of sudden, and just unexpectedly I saw a movie about the ex Brazilian president Kubitscheks life. Many youngsters and recent graduates tries to leave their countries for better life, so I got the nice reminder of that the same time there are many people that want to return, but they are not allowed by some reasons. Life´s strange, isnt it?
As the last for our day was scheduled to go to try to enroll for the portuguese class for foreigners, as now we finally got the NIF. However we came very late by the meaning that the course started in october, but now its middle of november... with speaking by the one of the teachers, she said us BIG NO, as the class is completely full, no chance. And it goes for all the beginner levels. As we aimed the step higher than the first class, then we still hope there is any chance...but no...However, with not wanting to go home with just no, we tried to ask another of the professors, that we were given contacts before, if there is still any chance... and it turned out there is...his class has some more spaces...and its more than a beginner level...which made us very happy. After our first steps into the class, we realized that its not the level just a bit higher, its actually the intermediate level of portuguese or the being adventurers, and ready to bring our portuguese to the next levels, we will give a chance for the class and see how much we can advance, with lacking some of the knowledge from the middle.
Out now for today´s adventures,
Stay cool,

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