# this blog post is dedicated to Bistra, Dan and Ursula.
fun moments happen, when they happen and no explanations to be searched.
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The Naked Man, great episode of HIMYM |
it happen today in C:F office. these last couple of weeks been super busy with deadlines approaching and passing, so almost all of days are spent hard working, sometimes overworking, and not that much of daily fun or communications in office as each of us are busy with our tasks and duties.
however, Friday 9th dec, turn out to be the most fun day in long time @office.
with many silly jokes of our days in Ljubljana and lifes, crazy laughts, in between of coordination of deadlines and communication with C:F community. Plus planning and finalizing our upcoming monday voluntary project activities last part. in between also feeling hungry, but to busy to just go to eat and deciding to have a lunch in office, before having debate for almost an hour what should we order. laughing like crazy, again making jokes, naked man jokes, feeling like we are going crazy. well, in a way each of person is a little bit crazy. Yes, a fun day...a fun day it was.
with many silly jokes of our days in Ljubljana and lifes, crazy laughts, in between of coordination of deadlines and communication with C:F community. Plus planning and finalizing our upcoming monday voluntary project activities last part. in between also feeling hungry, but to busy to just go to eat and deciding to have a lunch in office, before having debate for almost an hour what should we order. laughing like crazy, again making jokes, naked man jokes, feeling like we are going crazy. well, in a way each of person is a little bit crazy. Yes, a fun day...a fun day it was.
nice end of a week, welcome weekend.
Man patīk Tavs blogs ! Interesanti raksti Tev top ! :)
Vēlējos Tev uzjautāt, kā tu savam blogam pievienoji augšējās galvenes - guest book utt. ? :)
Hey Ieva. Paldies, prieks dzirdēt un noteikti motivācija turpināt manus bloga ierakstus.
Hmm, žēl ka nevarēju atrast e-mastu kā sazināties, tad nu te skaidrojums, kā to dabūju.
Augšē daļa ir "Pages", to var atrast layout un Add Gadget... un tad jau tāpat kā bloga ierakstus var labot.
Lai izdodas.
P.S. Es jau arī tavus foršos Francijas iespaidus šad tad salasos, un mani ar aizrauj.
Paaldies ! Tagad atradu :)
Prieks, kad lasi. Un man ir prieks par mums abam, kad esam piedzivojuma :)
Hey Ievu,
Prieks, ka atradi. Un jā, piedzīvojumā ir labi būt. Man patīk ļoti.
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