
on the road again

time is flying incredibly fast. Christmas week and time home have passed. I am on road again. Thanks to McDonalds in Vilnius now I am able to post my new blog post :) Spending some pit stop hours in Lithuania before my bus to Warsaw leaves.

to sum up the last 7 days, first of all was great time with meeting family and friends. really enjoed. with many surprises and adventures. meeting some of old classmates I have never met since primary school and much more. no time to tell you, but just can say I am happy that i went home and did what i did. my time in Latvia for this year is over.

Seems I am one crazy girl. few years ago i promised myself to not to travel alone with bus or train if it takes more than half a day. And now...I am again traveling alone for almost two days to reach the party place in Slovakia to meet BESTies and friends and to greet the 2012.

Have no idea how it will go with internet, but now as the battery is running low, i have to end the post and go now. 

if we don`t meet here this year then Happy New Year. And don`t wait the good things to happen, just start doing things and make your wishes happen.




Merry, merry Christmas! Let the Christmas magic let your dreams and wishes come true.

Riga @Christmas.



Hasta la vista Ljubljana...Riga for Christmas, here I come.

Tea? Maybe.
But maybe a wine?
what to say, Christmas time is almost here. unbelievable but year 2011 is almost finishing. time is passing indeed  very fast. after three weeks in december with crazy amount of work, many deadlines, fun times, now I say hasta la vista Ljubljana for few weeks and heading back home. bags finally packed, presents bought, bottles of Borovnička packed...Riga, here I come.

Will keep you posted, meanwhile enjoy holidays,


deadlines, deadlines, deadlines.

monday have started not only with snow in Ljubljana, but also, want it or not, but many deadlines are here. so i have nothing else how to deal with deadlines. and if you do not hear from me this week, then know, im down into dealing with deadlines. leaving everything last minute, yes yes, thats me. have an advice how to do other way maybe?

Winter morning 19.12.2011 Slovenia, Ljubljana a view of my window.


čevab cici - friday Part 1

yesterday was a fun day. loads of work, going for lunch, having a panic during the lunch and even more.

last week with C:F Team we were planning to make some great team building activity to have a chance to meet up with almost all C:F Team, that are here around Slovenia. we wanted to go to play bowling all together. as every company employees in Slovenia seems to be bowling just before Christmas, and every bowling place was booked for this Friday already...


no title day.

from one side this been a great day, had an amazing day at work, we were holding a meeting with bunch of people coming over. Got to know another colleague of mine, who is part of our team, however as she works from home and traveling then till now had no chance to meet her. but today it happen. Great.

Got to talk with a relatively old friend of mine, whom i`ve havent heard or spoken for ages. Was short, however great and miss the times of our talks.

and now getting back home and trying to solve these stupid and silly home issues, which would not happen if the owners would have more logical thinking, just got on my nerve and still have not let it go

and yes, a mixed feelings today. patience may be the answer, however it also have limits and once its overreached going back to normal is not easy.

cannot wait my holidays to come.



its all well known, that you are the cause of your problem, but you are also key to solve your problem. Nobody will care about you if you won`t do it about yourself.

so i decided, that its time to deal with my temptation of eating sweets. somehow last months living in Ljubljana, have caught myself of getting addicted to candy or getting lazy by ordering food instead of cooking myself. as it start to bother me, i had nothing else left than face reality and to deal with it. So for a week now I am coping with my two of temptations. So far so good. fast food happen only twice all this week and reduced the amount of sweets for half. so far so good....however by writing this here and now, i have to tell you that dealing with temptation is not easy, not easy...i want sweets so badly.


about what are you thinking NGOs?

# This post is not to make harm to anyone, these are my thoughts, that may make you think and look on life maybe now in other ways too.

To give you small background on my NGO experience, then since I was sixteen, i remember myself being socially active and enrolling in different projects and NGOs in Latvia and even European level. I could not just stay home and do nothing. this NGO life is part of me since first steps into it and i really enjoy it.

while doing research on how to better develop and which direction to go with my future NGO, i came across couple of facts that makes me feel how broke thinking may have some or more than some of NGOs in Europe, they have become like robots withing European Union grant System and Youth in Action projects. And I see it not because NGOs have developed the new inside language with all those thousands of numbers of different grants to remember nor because of abbreviations of the titles, but more on the way of the thinking in BOX.

Why do I think so?


the naked man aka having fun at work.

# this blog post is dedicated to Bistra, Dan and Ursula.

fun moments happen, when they happen and no explanations to be searched. 

The Naked Man, great episode of HIMYM
it happen today in C:F office. these last couple of weeks been super busy with deadlines approaching and passing, so almost all of days are spent hard working, sometimes overworking, and not that much of daily fun or communications in office as each of us are busy with our tasks and duties.

however, Friday 9th dec, turn out to be the most fun day in long time @office.


fear factor - I can do it too.

being sick when you are abroad, not the right thing to do. however there are just times you are left in the situation, just being sick. it took me two days and 6 pharmacies, and result was that i had to choose an alternative for the very small and proper pills, i got a powder instead. well, there would be no problems unless the very small and nice pills have made me already trouble in past, as they taste terrible. and now i have to eat powder...

one of my favorite tv shows in past was fear factor. i usually was amazed by the strengths and courage of people. i`ve seen many times eating unimaginable things. today i had my own home reality show, me getting to eat the powder... and i have to do it at least twice a day, preferably three times.

holding my nose, eating as fast as possible and it turn out to be doable. however, one more week to go. Challenge accepted. S.


veselji december, hot wine, skyscrapper, sex with barmen and more...

been lazy, i admit. however if you are happy on what you are doing, then can be also lazy. however i don`t like it much, me being actively moving forward and in process, that more likely describe me.

today spent working from home, as the sickness feeling is still around. however hopefully after tomorrow with some more right cure, i will be back on the track. and today after visiting four pharmacies, i was even able to find the right medicine, i needed. 

and here comes sharing about past week. i believe that two of these postcard pictures


a day when you feel sick.

a wintertime with +10C and rain seems done its thing and have made me sick. i feel bad about it, but nothing more to hear from me today. going to sleep to have a proper rest. hopefully with early cure, ill manage to not get completely sick.


friends over for dinner. BEST talks.

yesterday, i had friends over for dinner. first time in my whole current stay in LJ, I was actually organizing something. and it turn out for a good reason, as yesterday not only started the month of "Parties" in Ljubljana (At least thats how the locals name December here in LJ) but also three months have passed on me being here.
Thank you BEST experience.

in spite of thursday and the fact i do work on fridays too, the dinner was happening. Ieva, Jordi, and Tadej now are spotted here, as they were my guests last night. and i am happy that they all were able to find my apartment, as it has no number and i still believe this is the longest house in LJ.