
Friday, 30th.

30 sunny, busy, fun, joyful, exciting, foggy, hot and etc days have passed. September is almost officially over, just couple more hours left. This month have passed with no notice almost. And once more I have to agree that time is running fast, its just vanishing.
I am happy today, by closing September page with being proud of myself. One of my personal targets, was to make one post entry for my new blog.


more older people get, more brain damage they have.

A lovely Saturday in Ljubljana. to make an entry here, sometimes it takes few hours during day time to think about the topic or the interesting facts, happenings and how to put it up here, that its i was pretty sure what i am going to write about, now i am not anymore. idea appeared and went away. unfortunately forgot to take my small notebook with me to put it down.

Great day. at work and outside.

hey my dear friends. whoever is reading this blog. i have to say, this have been great and successful day at Challenge:Future, was very productive and i really enjoyed it, moreover, I was very productive and did quite a lot of work. proud of myself.
besides work, social life in Slovenia is great always happy to meet up with  my slovene friends...even cutting my hand while helping is awesome. nevertheless my first serious interaction with other ERASMUS Students happened tonight...went for a Get to know party, and it turn out to be with a lot of Spanish and Portuguese guys and girls. Fun indeed.


When you cannot buy something - create it.

Colorful hardcover
exactly three weeks i`ve been hunting my perfect weekly planner, to finally start even more again organize my things and works and to do`s. never imagined, that getting one in Ljubljana will make me such a headache. 3 weeks and no results. Yes, I may be picky. in the same time, i just know, what i want. so three weeks and no results. But i do needed one weekly planner and quickly, otherwise my list of works, just disappear in chaos.
My cute A5 agenda
Yesterday evening i got an idea, to look around internet, and i may find my planner there. Instead of ordering it and waiting for delivery, after passing some pages with templates of agendas and calendars and planners... i took the challenge to create my own. Ready, my agenda is here. And it took me not more than 3 hours in total of putting things together. So happy about my outcome. hand crafts are cool, just take advantage and give a try.


when you have to go shopping in Ljubljana.

Sweet sweet Slovene grapes
its been a little bit mentioned before, shopping areas in LJ are different than i am used to, today I almost went to countryside, at least the nature was bringing me the "nice" countryside farms` smell on the way of shopping "center", although more appropriate word would be Shopping city. Today i chose to go to the second biggest one, instead of my previous experience in BTC... have to admit, that this was also quite big one.


a lazy sunday at Tivoli.

A great company
been very lazy these last holidays. nevertheless, it turn out to be great. till now, i even did not time to just nicely relax and just think, or to be with myself. this weekend was the first since i got here. and i am happy about it.
thanks to Ljubljana's nice weather, we were able to go for a picnic. Tivoli it was. That is a huge park, with many different attractions in it...we did not went through all of it, just the nearest and closest, still beautiful artificial lake. Google maps still thinks that there is still forest...but well...its beautiful and relaxing. always liked to be near water. and with a great company, it turn out to be an awesome afternoon. I enjoyed it. well, the somehow bad part, its sunday...

saturday. jazz and more.

did i already told you, that i enjoy meeting new people? Well, I do. it usually turns out a lot of fun, in the same time getting to know something new. today was one more "hot summer" day in Ljubljana...sunny and with blue sky. only it is a pity, when sun goes down, the temperature also dramatically goes down, so instead of +24C, its just around +15C, so have to pass home, if you want to enjoy the hot day and the chili night.

All in all, Saturday was a great day. discovered a new part of the city, my first time in Tivoli park,


If you read this...

then most probably at the moment i am somewhere in Bosnia, with no internet connection...
Most greatest things happens when you less expect them. after an offer to go to true and pure Balkans, had this idea in my mind for couple of days...but well...eventhough I wouldn`t mind being there at the moment, the trip did not happen. So I am still in Ljubljana. And can be happy...because otherwise I would not had a chance to meet a society of architects, that comes from all over World. Have to admit, great people, that is interesting to talk with. No matter if its about discussing the greek food names or discovering the reality of meters and inches or many times explaining where Latvia is located or what language we speak...thank you everyone for the chance to meet you all. Had a lot of fun and amazing time.

Spiders our dear guest IT, was kingly thrown out of our bathroom. IT was very lucky, because I was almost ready to take some action and to kill it, luckily man passed our home and was so kind, that helped us out to throw IT out. there is back a peace and harmony...but all in all...i kind of have some spider attack...dunno if they like my bike so much and arrives home with me or just sneaks in windows...Any suggestions? Would appreciate.

Now it it 4AM, and I have to say...good night guys&girls.


fog, spiders and more.

Somewhere in the front and up in the fog,
there should be a Ljubljana castle. Can you see it?
this morning wake up and i see almost nothing. because outside is a huuuuuuge fog. so huge one i have seen only a long time ago in Belgrade, when you do not see more further than 20 meters. Luckily with a day starting it went up and no sigh of it now.
Besides that now my bathroom have been occupied by a huuuuge spider, ugly and furry. I really DO NOT LIKE SPIDERS! Big time! I still have to figure out from where did it come from, as our place I considered as spider free...well, but seems I am wrong. maybe it is just this huge spider revenge for this morning, when i had to get rid of couple of small spiders overtaking my bike. Anyways. Jahhhhh!
Besides everything else, today one more long day at work. Half of it spent in meetings. Which were interesting, successful and i enjoyed them.


taking responsibilities. bike.

if yesterday was kind of bad day, then today its 180 degrees around. I had a great day. After meeting and discussions of upcoming activities, projects and works, more clearly i see myself as part of challenge:future. and the footprints i am going to leave for the upcoming time. and yes, since today i also got couple of responsibilities and feel proud of it, some other time will share about my actions in C:F. all in all was a busy and successful day at work.
since today i have a bike.


hard work and great evening.

See the bus coming?
a week days i am a hard worker. well, at the moment not yet that much, but i am so eager to finally get some more serious things and some responsibilities. otherwise today got frustrated of doing different stuff, but not seeing the point of the big picture, basically the meaning of my work. and i really do not like just to do some random stuff, moreover it is connected with my favorite topic - marketing. luckily tomorrow comes the new day, and we are going to have a meeting / discussion on tasks and responsibilities. Looking forward.
After a long day at work, had to somehow get out of frustration. luckily today to Ljubljana arrived a friend of mine. great company always helps for bad or weird mood. and also having a chit chat with BEST Ljubljana members for some aftermeeting drinks was great. I always liked to get to know new people


a rainy day.

crazy thunder and lightning. very near my place. that what happened last night. this morning to wake up was indeed hard. Who want to get out of bed, when outside is only 14C and heavy raining plus windy. as it was Monday - work day, I had no choice than to dress well and go. luckily i am not from sugar, so survived.
I always liked writing a post cards. as one of the nice small tasks I have at work is writing post cards for persons who i never met. i like it. and now postcards are traveling all over world to three lucky ones, who will read them very soon. hope they will like them.
Otherwise rainy day makes me wish to stay at home with some hot tea and nice book. but well, tomorrow another great work day.


Slovenian seaside - Check!

Some weeks ago already arranged that I have to visit an awesome & cool girl,friend of mine, that i met in Barcelona. And it turn out that she lives in lovely seaside part of Slovenia. as these been hot days here. unbelievably warm and nice, and if outside is around +30C, sun is shining. there is no better way to spend a day, than near the water. so i packed my bags and went for a weekend to Koper, seaside city of Slovenia. Basically after a voting in elections, straight there.
in a Friday while having some drinks with my new ERASMUS friends...


to all my beloved Latvians.

An important day for every Latvian, does not matter how much he do or does not care about politics, neither governmet. Even does not matter if he or she like president. WE HAD AN ELECTIONS Today. New government is on the way...and still hoping thats its new and fresh...although knowing szstem and people in Latvia, i predict no big surprises. After slovene and also Latvian time, the official voting time is now over and the counting for our future starts.
First time in my experience I had the chance to deliver my vote outside of Latvia - in embassy of Latvia in Ljubljana. How was it?


challenge future.

moment from an office
already two weeks have passed. time is running fast. where do exactly I work? And how have been these weeks  as working person?
Challenge: Future (C:F) is the organization I work for. if I have to explain in short sentences the main purpose of it -a global youth think tank and online competitions, that raises the awareness of future development and sustainability. Youth are encouraged to participate in different challenges, that not only allow to new ideas come up, but also ideas can be implemented and not only can, but actually are turn into action. 
For most organizations the Future is the Challenge. The youth, on the contrary, are Challenging the Future. Challenge: Future© is the bridge connecting both sides. TMK Lab LTD
I like to say...I am making future better. That`s what I am doing.


many things are so different.

in such a small country you can find so many things that are way far from the day to day issues you are used to. for sure, now i am exploring a different culture, but still i find it strange for me. 
first of all. getting a grocery it is challenging if you work late, or have meetings and only after 7pm remember that you actually have nothing to eat.  most of stores close at 8, if you are smart enough to know where is the couple of them which works till 9, then you can still manage. But what happened with me two days ago, you arrive 9.00pm in front of doors and you stay left outside. hungry. but well I assume, that after some time, i will learn from the mistakes.


You don`t need endless time and perfect conditions. Do it now. Do it today. Do it for twenty minutes and watch your heart start beating. Barbara Sher

as good as it gets

For those who haven`t seen movie "As good as it gets" yet, i really recomend it. will let you to think a bit about your life and what kind of person are you. Somehow merges with my current self discovery, as i am still finding my place.Anyways, saw it today and I liked it.
besides movie...Today finally managed to meet most of my coleagues, and really happy how awesome they are. from today already experienced real office hours, which passed in no notice. Doing work you like, is the best thing that can happen. happy.
Still don`t understand Slovene cannot find almost no shop / supermarket working after 8. Where does the working people get their food? And if you arrive home close to eight, do you have to stay hungry? Well, maybe that is motivation for going out more. Still have to find this answer. And now its almost already tomorrow, so have to say good night people.


pancakes and more.

since today, well its already yesterday, I almost can say, I have an awesome place to live in. In nice city center of Ljubljana. YES! I made it. Nice feeling to have your own room and place, somehow relaxing and now I can focus on all other to do`s I have. As every week starts more or less with something new...


sunday travel.

Some days ago I heard kind of joke, but coming from reality. it was like that. 
Girl from Russia asks a guy from Slovenia: "Oh, which part of country you live?" 
Guy answers: "In capital - Ljubljana.", 
Girl:"and how much time does it takes to go to visit other countries?"
Guy: "In an hour and I`m already abroad."
Girl: "oh, then you live next to border. Cool!"

So guys & girls, now i also live on border, which is in middle of country. For sure it is great place to live, if you want to travel and see Europe, visit other countries near by, because its just there, here.

So today, instead of worrying of my future accommodation, I went to BLED. City just 50km far from Ljubljana. A city with amazing lake. And instead of taking the bus or train...we were bunch of people hitchhiking. My first hitchhike experience in non Baltic countries. And have to admit that people here are still nice, although you have to wait longer and they won`t take you half way, if you hold the sign with your desired destination.
All in all we were very lucky, had a ride with crazy couple, then by guy who drop us out in very city center of Bled...and on way was fun to hitchhike in traffic jam, as everyone was going we were very lucky got a direct ride back to LJ, with an awesome hiker& his two cute dogs.

about day in BLED i will allow photos talk instead of words:

Yes, yes...I do hitchhike.


a beatuiful sunset and mountains.

if you don`t live in city center or near by. like i do at the moment till finding my perfect place in city center. going out for parties in week days is problem for motivation at all. well, maybe because from one side I am tired of all the time partying on the other hand now im working, and as I am really into it, then workdays&parties do not match together. So what do you do if you are alone in evening far from city center with no one you know around?


i can eat cheaper.

friday have arrived. my second friday here in Ljubljana. One week have passed in no time. I could say just flow away. All in all time here have been really busy and exciting.
As I made sure today, if you ask the right persons, then you get what you want in no time and with no problems or doubts. Slovenia is very generous and nice place to be a student here. Each and every student staying here gets subsidies from government for the meals. So each and every student that do not work, gets much cheaper meals. As my purpose to come here was internship, and im not going to study...


very sad day and great loss for Latvians.

i was shocked some minutes ago when finally had time to read news and check whats happened in my lovely country Latvia. One of the best ice hockey players day ago lost life in airplane accident...and its not it, almost all team of "Lokomotiv" have died in this plane crash. Quoting FB post from Laura...Sometimes I don't like planes. And today is one of those days. Very sad days. RIP great hockey man Karlis Skrastins.
This is like a reminder to every each of us how SHORT life is, and that we shouldn`t waste no part of it.
Sad day!


apartment situation. OMG.

these couple of days been sense of looking for a nice apartment for my stay here in Ljubljana. I think I`ve seen all possible add at least three times each. and so far still nothing much have changed. None of the rooms / apartments were worth to live there. Well...there was one perfect...although as the outcome of day is...if the add is ON for couple of days, and if you call and its not taken..then there is something wrong with the room either apartment. And yes...


walking monster.

how to get from point A to point B, there are several options...
I can take the bus, but when you want to take it, you see how it just pass you, and then the next one is in around half an hour, its not the best option. As well, for me to go to my super cool work place, I have to change the bus, so double waiting and double chances to miss it. SO DEFINITIVELY not the best option.

I could take a bike. It turn out that I may have a bike soon, the offer from my work, as they have a bike which usually is used by interns. I hope I will have the chance as soon as...


first working day.

after exactly 2 years and one month, I again can count myself as working person. Today was first official working day in an internship I am doing here in Ljubljana at Challenge Future (C:F)

before I actually arrive in the office, i was several times told where is it and how to get there...

i know where i want, but how to find it...

I would like to live somewhere in this red circle area. Do you know someone who rents something?

In a city where lives approx. 300 000 people, to find your own place...well that is the question I am at the moment solving.
I still can be lucky that people here does speak English...and I can have some conversations on phone, finding out more about my possible future accommodation. It is surprisingly weird, but people here think in long term and to find an apartment for only 6 months...well, not that many people...


just smile and wave.

Before coming here, i was sure, that i wont learn Slovenian language. Why should I need it? But after 4 days being here, I feel the need of basic Slovenian phrases, they could be useful.

First of my current temporary home, where lives very nice old man, very helpful and talkative...if only i had an idea what kind of things he is telling to me. Also neighbors around are very communicative... if only i could answer something more than Sorry. I don`t understand or just stay silent. The best advice I got form my friend...


My arrival in Ljubljana

Was like this:

I do have a flying experience with quite many different planes and plane company services. This time Czech Airlines made it even more special for me...after pleasant Riga - Prague flight and after five hours in nice Prague airport, got an amazing experience...flight with my smallest plane so far...the one with propellers and only around 40 people in plane. in beginning I got shocked...and had an idea...where I am going. Is it really a capital city? it turn out to be great. Thank you for new experience.

Second surprisingly nice experience was with getting from airport to my temporary place. I should had ordered a door to door that's me, of course did not do it, don`t ask why, that question i have no answer. time was close to midnight and I was in airport...had to get to my new home somehow. I had address, but where it is in the real life, for me no idea. I was really lucky, when exiting airport there were "local" guys offering the door to door transfer, and with knowing the address had no problem for them to know the place too.

sometimes country chooses you.

in a way Slovenia chose me. a year ago I was so bored and wanted to make some changes in life. tired of life in Latvia, bored of study system there, I started to search around, where to go and how to make studies way much interesting...there was ERASMUS...after some months of making papers, going through selection procedures, being worried of lost snail mails...I MADE was set, I am BARCELONA. 
You go to Barcelona and end up in Ljubljana? Well could happen, but not with me this time.
In between making erasmus papers, I got an incredible offer to do an internship in Challenge Future (C:F) project. As work on getting to go with erasmus was hard and long and I already got it, I had to refuse this awesome offer...Time in Barcelona was passing...great time...if you have a chance to go there...don`t hesitate, it is definitely worth. City where you can learn and find everything. And YES, I liked it so much, that wanted to stay there some more time...
In the time of finding options how to stay longer there...I also got an option to make an ERASMUS internship. As the time to find it was short...and as I still kept contact with C:F, I dared to ask them, if they still want to have me as intern...YES...some papers...and I AM GOING...and here I finally am at Ljubljana.

*By having this chance to be here, sometimes country really does not matter, as far as you really like what are you doing there.