
i don`t know to be happy or upset.

today i started my day quite early, if talking of it being saturday, as today was the day to pass one of the two left works, to be finally done with my university studies. Had some lovely time with nice preparations for my presentation speech, get nicely dressed and was on the way all across Riga to be on time in university. An almost hour of travel i reached it, and as expected a crowd of students already waiting. turn out that they were not waiting to do presentations, just to deliver work, get signed and that`s it the work is passed.
Of course i am happy of less work for me or no waiting, as i managed to get it signed in less than 5 min being there, so I should be happy, that once its done...


S. writes an internship report aka 2nd week being home

being back home even though from one side is super great, from the other side, i more and more find myself busy. And if that would be it, there are some certain decisions, I have to make very soon, and yes, its all about my closest future. When things happen, then they happen all the good ones in the same time with me...and then they turn into decision making and some of the good things are left behind. But who want`s to leave the good things? Well, definitively not me.
Other than that, the all last week, since friday 13th I`ve been into writing my internship report, as its one of the two works left in order for me to finish up the student life. have to say that this last week been quite a fun writing, as i set my mind clearly on starting to write on saturday. well, but saturday instead of opening up the laptop and starting to type, i found myself into presentations of my ERASMUS experience in university open days and then in the evening once in the very long time, i found myself into going to a theater. and then the day was over and came sunday. Yes, i opened the laptop and started the work, however more than the first two pages i did not manage, as the sunday i still had no internet at home, had to wait till monday when the good guy would came with my internet. But well, then the monday i had to go to university again, all in all wanted to make sure i am in the list for the presentations and i will be allowed to present, that was double checked and all fine, date stayed the same. So the tuesday arrived and just four more days were left to finish... i went for a second round for the job interview, two hours of the round and i was in, got the job...the report still just barely started. i know i am last minute person, and somehow till now the clear time deadlines always are the best motivation to finish, and so i locked myself into room on wednesday and it started to move and from previous 6 pages, i managed by the almost morning of thursday to almost finish up the report.
how cool is my report, well that cool that nobody else have read it aside me, but i successfully passed to get the signature for the evaluation to be able to present my work. Will see tomorrow, how it all end up.And yes, indeed, we all thing we are so different, but at some points, we all end up doing exactly the same old things the same style. So are we so different after all?
Good night thinking,

One week in Latvia.

Friday 13th some of you will say. Well for me it`s been exactly one week since i`ve left Slovenia. Sometimes even for me one week means not a big time, however this all week now feels like a month already being back in Baltic's, as my so usual and so great daily life just got cut one day just like that.
My travel home, it all started with a late night arrival in the airport and in the end nobody waiting for me to pick me up, so had to manage myself to get i live completely other side of Riga than airport is, not that easy if you don`t want to take the silly priced taxis from airport after there is no more public transportation. as i am used in other airports with door to door shuttles, then that you cannot expect here, this business haven`t developed yet here. Maybe one day ill have my own door to door shuttle service as it`s really handy and not that expensive from passengers perspective comparing with the "lovely" taxi prices.

Easter is Easter and there is no better place to celebrate it than with a family, doing the Latvian typical style egg paintings and overeating, as having a delicious meals is one of Easter traditions. If i heard that back in Slovenia it was quite rainy and cold then i am happy to tell that the easter was amazingly sunny and nice. Well just one day out of all it was actually snowing. Yes, its right, here is no spring yet, we are just starting to expect it, everything`s still grey and quite unpretty but its slowly getting better.

As my studies till now have taken me more time than i ever imagine, i am so eager to finish up them and forget of being student but move forward. However this all week, since four days seems nobody in my university cares much of ERASMUS


no matter where.

even though my expat life at the moment is a bit over, soon enough ill be in new adventures, just have to make the decisions and up ill go. I so enjoyed my blog writing experience while being in Ljubljana, (and not only because of all great readers and more than 11 000 page-views)  that as soon as by monday ill get internet in my place ill be back here and from Sandra lives in Ljubljana it all will change to Sandra lives life.


happy Easter from Baltics.

it`s quite strange to be back in Baltics and Latvia from an awesome spring in its flourish time now being back in time in last moments of winter and spring just starting here. all in all now i am enjoying Easter with family. happy Easter everyone.

yesterday egg painting results. Happy Easter everyone.


Sandra leaves Ljubljana

till couple of months ago, i still could not imagine how big impact on me will leave the tiny little country Slovenia and my life and adventures in Ljubljana. seems that once you loose something, you start seeing the values, i wish it would be different, but well that`s sometimes the stupid, silly life which don`t stop to bring in new surprises.

the study and work abroad experience for sure widen horizons, however the same time i somehow sometimes dislike it /i believe there will be couple of you that will agree/ as once you get used to a new way of life or start clearly understand the local language and culture, your time there have runned out and its time to return home. Nevertheless, i so enjoy being abroad, it`s worth giving a shot to try out something new. And as my own experience, then i can tell, no matter where you decide to go, there will be adventures, learning, new friends and happenings that will leave important footsteps in your life.

for myself, the year and a bit abroad has been not only great learning experience, but also same time had time to think and re-think of life goals and which direction i would like to see myself going.


time for packing has arrived.

ready or not, but the time is unstoppable and every adventure once comes to an end. Now it`s my time, as i am leaving Ljubljana for a bit longer time than at the moment i would really want. It`s been a great journey with amazing people around, with always surprising Slovenian culture and nature and of course with great work and learning experience.

But now I go, as there are new adventures to begin...


Postcards from Bosnia&Herzegovina

the experience and the trip to Bosnia was magical and life learning experience, that wanted to write more, but decided this time to share some pictures, so you can also see yourself a small part of the beauty.


Bosnian experience part 2 - Stereotypes

The beautiful mountain riverside in Bosnia.
For some of you this may sound as first April jokes, however a huge part of ex Yugoslav nowadays life are  based on stereotypes between the new set countries, and of course there exist also many of the jokes but still, somehow based on the same stereotypes.

What`s been my experience?
Well, just before going for my trip to Bosnia, i got warning from a Slovene telling me, that i should better watch out as in Bosnia there are many mine fields. And telling this to me, i had this image just straight into my head...but well, of 8 days and Bosnian experiences, there were exactly 0 mine fields i got to see. The truth is that the couple of mine fields still exist, however for sure not MANY.

Before i went to see Bosnia myself, and telling to others how much i want to visit it,