It all stared with my adventorous spirit, me enrolling in a youth training course that was planned to take place in city Kljuc. And with my small mistake of dates, the event happen just after Challenge:Future summit. So with just a day in between, last week i again packed my bag and took the lovely bus journey from Ljubljana to Kljuc...its qind of easy to travel between these two cities, as there is "direct" bus connection, with just a 7 hours of ride of distance 350km you can yourself in Kljuc, so the same happen with me.
Arrived just before midnight and as it was supposed to somebody meet me in bus station, then of course blonde me did nothing to write down neither any phone number, neither the address of the place where i am supposed to stay... as you may guess, then nobody was waiting for me in the bus station...even when i waited couple of more minutes, and then some more...nobody showed up...i was left alone, in a completely new city in the had to figure out something...