having every four years a chance of extra 24 hours is a thing that has not that much of attention, and mostly pass by as an usual day. however somehow today felt like being out of box and it turn out to be great extra 24 hours.
postcards from Zagreb.
Today i don`t find myself into much of writing. So instead of that I bring you post cards from Zagreb...
BIG city life.
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Me now and me 5 years ago @Zagreb. |
weekend spent in Zagreb. i even did not know myself how much I was missing a big city life. Well, for most of people only one million of city size may seem not actually a big one, but for me after quite some months being in Ljubljana, it seemed like the BIG city and having a saturday spent in city center, when there are thousands of people around you, superb. it really does not matter if you know some or not, as i just got the great feeling on actions going around, move and change happening, city full of life, GREAT, i liked it so much. I guess even thought i still feel exhausted from the weekend and missing some sleep, it was charging, perfect time, as i did need it to manage my works around here, just another busy month here left.
When first time visiting Zagreb some years ago, i did not took the best impressions with me, then now, its actually kind of nice city where going back again seems not the worst idea.
Oh well, its enough talking of the BIG City Zagreb, if you have not been there yet, take the time and see it, its worth. they have not only interesting pieces of architecture, great summer cafes, yes also already from February. and believe me, those were crowded with people. And nevertheless there you can find also quite some fun museums, like museum for Broken Relationships.
And yeah, was great time spent to meet up with EDS guys and girls, and have some latvian chats too...you go to Zagreb to speak latvian, also an unexpected happening.
Getting myself in adventures, it seems its the part i know how to do the best.
Good night,
another month and then its over.
yes, its true, another month and then Ljubljana times will have a break. another hectic month to go, with managing crazy amount of things at work, many things i want to still manage to see and do around Slovenia.
Have I already told you that Slovenia just seems small, as every day there are new surprises? Like this world famous Perpetuum Jazzile, that actually have starting roots in Slovenia. Would like to see them live too.
and now im today of to explore and experience.
decisions made with no planing.
Murphy or not, but if nothing happens, then nothing and if something happen, then usually all good things the same time and i have to divide myself to manage everything or the hard days of making decisions.
first time taking hard decisions, i was told that if you cannot decide what you want you will get what`s left over. somehow this saying since then have stuck in my mind. i am not sure if it also helps to make decisions or if it helps to make right decisions, but anyhow to decide about what i want and not float through life, i believe this does.
so yes, some time ago i got to know that there is going to be an event in Croatia, and as its so near from here, not to join would be silly. I wish that would be it, as just afterwards i also got to know that BEST Ljubljana has their weekend event... and well, what would you think? Can it happen two different weekends? of course not, both at the same time.
and well, also that was not all. as the couple of weeks ago while being at hairdresser`s i got to know of 2 handsome CELLOS, the Slovenian/Croatian band I got to know about while being here in Lj, are going to play in Maribor. turns out the only concert in Slovenia this part of year. and yup, the same start of weekend as my two other possibilities.
Welcome to to jungle of decisions.
remember the saying I was just quoting? well, all decisions were made without me much interfering, as too long waiting and not deciding left me with no chance to buy the tickets - simply Sold Out. And the other choosing of what to do during the weekend was made by first come, first serve option...so Zagreb for a weekend, here I come.
Let me know if you know where the 2 CELLOS will be performing...seeing them live one day would be cool.
21022012 know of what i am referring to?
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Look what`s here... one fifth part of 149 of hand creams have reached me in LJ |
what a day, not only because you can read the date the same from both ends, but more because its been a super great day. as some of you knows, then yesterday my misfortune, not only t made me to wake up on time, to be at work on Monday after going out and being home late and going to sleep late, having left out of office with no keys and nobody in office was kind of silly situation. Well, but that was yesterday, but today is today, new things happen.
recently noticed, weather changes here are so sudden, that one day its sunny, warm, the other raining all day non-stop, then you wake up on morning and see from nowhere 10 cm of snow, thats already melting, later in eve you go for a walk but actually end up ice skating the streets of Ljubljana, and now today you wake up, and sun again shines in sky. Unbelievable.
oh yeah...Carnivals.
In every new country its just not possible to avoid learning or discovering randomly something new. so this weekend I discovered that quite some southern countries of Europe have carnivals these days. its for sure not even close to be common in Latvia, as its still too cold winter to have people dressed in masks on streets. But well, Slovenia do it...So I got to see some small parts of Carnival too...
And if you wake up early enough on saturday, then you can not only enjoy the perfect weather with blue sky, sunny and around +9C, but also see Ljubljana celebrating Carnival. as i woke up partially early, then cough only the last part of it, however managed to see live my favorite part the "jetties" or the super loud and funny masks. I wish I could try one one day, seems to be a lot of fun.
18th of February 2012 - once and forever.
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River Daugava 2012. |
i actually have been born in times of soviet union, therefore in a "country" that do not exist anymore, as Latvian nation fought for independence and with staying strong in the right time, got it, I can luckily say, that I live in country named Latvia. Most amazing part of way to independence was a Baltic Way.
Lately due to politics, world economics Latvia may not been in the best by the monetary situation, neither politics, however as it was proved yesterday, Latvians still stand for their country, and not the money matters, neither we care as much about politics, all that matters most is the patriotism, that we still have it and prove when its most needed by protecting the culture, keeping the Latvian as the only national language. More about what I am talking about, check here.
Once and hope for very long time, the topic of another language interfering have ended.
Latvians, we have the power.
30 day challenge - accepted.
i was sure that only i put my targets for 30 days and then see how it turns out, but no, there are more of people taking these challenges. So what you will be up to in next thirty days?
friends going home...
oh well, i still don`t know where this half of year have gone, time is flying like crazy. this monday i was attending a farewell party...yes the first semester is over and many of ERASMUS are unfortunately leaving. it made me realize that for me here its just one and half months left...and I am also going. there are still many things that are in my to do list and i still don`t know when i will have time for it.
my meeting with ROBERT
a short time have passed since I met Robert. i`ve wanted to share story since ever then, however it also took me some time to get used with the current changes. and seems not many of friends at first noticed the changes, so i tend to think that its a positive feedback and the results have turned out to be better than i ever thought about.
finally its here, and i have the time to share this post with all of you. Dedicated to my new friends ROBERT.
finally its here, and i have the time to share this post with all of you. Dedicated to my new friends ROBERT.
It all started last year, when finally i was ready for changes and wanted to make some new adventures in my life. as Slovenia is not the biggest country with wide range of options to choose, nothing came up last year and i did not invest so much time with looking for changes.
as February arrived, I was sure, now its time, and if i don`t do it now, then when else I will be so brave to finally do it. so my search started again...
i had a wonderful day today.
Thank you Robert for making my day with great changes. loving it. more about coming up soon, i promise, till now i give you this teaser picture...
last minute person.
till now, i can honestly say that if i have to something and if there is a deadline set, then mostly i will do it in the very last minute...well, as most of young people like to do it and not only. And till now with university, studies, school and my private stuff, i`ve been happy and ok with this.
snow snow snow.
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Snow snow snow. Happy Celebrations my dear Slovene friends. |
snowing all day long...just like i never have left Latvia. beautiful, fantastic and i like it a lot. and as for some of you working week have just started, then i have to say, its again holiday here in Slovenia. Yes, tomorrow everyone is out for celebration, no work at all, just celebrating the Preseren Day in Slovenia. How wonderful is that? I believe that the coolest thing is that tomorrow all the museums opens doors and let the people to enjoy the art...or what ever with no cost. Slovenes indeed knows how to celebrate.
Will I have free day? partially i could say yes, as no people working...so meaning not much to do with the to dos part from the local ones, however all my to dos for the other part are still on...and as we decided then what can be more beautiful than to have some work also on wednesday...all in all its just a normal day in our countries.
a little too much busy.
i have not had time for myself today at all. so will keep very short today, as messages are continiously arriving and i should reply all of them or make sure they are replied. plus many other stuff to do this week...challenge accepted. here we go...
sunday magic. coffee and book.
definitely, winter is here in Ljubljana. today, it was an amazingly beautiful day. no wind and sun keep you up warm. a great day for a walk. and that what i did today.
i remember some months ago, me and Triin, we tried to go to Tivoli for a walk and reach the beautiful church there, as we saw it from the center and it seemed relatively close to go. once we were up in the highest hill of Tivoli, there was no sign of the church we saw...first we though we are blond or had a hallucination of the church...
snowy day.
snow in Ljubljana...it is here now. after waiting from middle of december, with a month and half delay, but now the snow have also reached Ljubljana. plus its freezing outside, with -7C and northern wind blowing.
tried to go out today, went to the central market, surprisingly it was working, however it do look, that for slovene people -7C is too cold, as everyone was rushing on its own, and spending as less time as possible outside. And well, i did the same, after two hour walk outside, i decided to stay in with tea and movies and have a lazy saturday.
discovered a great movie, could rank it in my favorite list - "La piel que habito".
Early but goodnight,
time for new things.
today i learnt a lesson. or misfortune more or less happen.
as sometimes i am a lazy person, then today after work, i decided that i won`t cook any food, but use the great home delivery as its going to be faster and when i will arrive home, food will be more or less the same time. everything went perfect, i called the guys, they took my order wrote down my mobile and street. happy went home...after an hour me being home, from delivery guy was no sign...curious...as usually they deliver on time, and they had to come like 40min ago...well, calling the service again...and what i hear, they were here, but nobody was answering phone, as it was out of reach. And unluckily the door bell of my house is not working, or better to say the system is too complicated to find the right magical button...so he waited and ten left...and i waited at home, hungry...
flight expert i would say.
as the big event we are organizing is approaching and as i`ve got the great task of planning the participant arrivals and departures and searching for the best deals for the plane tickets. i want to say, i am getting super skilled. before Challenge:Future, i thought that BEST have already gave me all possible skills of the trip planning, it turn out that that have been the small percentage out of the whole world. And actually living in Europe, its the easiest and greatest thing that have happen with me. you think life here is hard? Yeah, sometimes, but our super simple things for others can turn out to be the biggest nightmare to deal with.
home, Latvia and Madara
where ever i go, its not possible to just cut or avoid the feeling of belonging of the place i come from, my home. and with this i mean, the place i am born and grown up, a very beautiful country Latvia. even thou we are only around 2 million of people there, from Latvia comes not only very smart and talented people, world level known sportsmen, but also great innovators, scientists, ... and of course best beer in world and most beautiful girls. And aside all that from Latvia comes one of the greatest Eco Cosmetics - Madara.
It was a big news all over Latvia of the new innovation and the challenge, that Madara started to make years ago. however at first i could not connect myself to Eco Cosmetics and did not find very interesting for me to give a try. as i am so lucky and have cool friends, then by one of them, at some point i was advised to give a try, as she was so happy about Madara, and gave me good recommendations, then by circumstances all matching together, i was there, giving a chance to Madara, to prove what she has.
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